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School catering trolleys
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A strong welded steel frame with wooden shelves, 2 lockable castors and a steel support under every shelf make these trolleys extremely hard wearing.

This trolley is specifically designed to hold 30 lunchboxes and will brighten up any classroom or dining hall.


H: 1070mm  W 340mm  L 1300mm


The Lock-in-Lunchbox trolley has a number of features not found on any other similar product. Because they are manufactured from rust-proof aluminium they are easy to push and manoeuvre.The trolleys can be locked up to keep the lunch boxes safe and ice packs can be used to keep the food cool and fresh.

The trolleys are available in a range of colours and the motif on the side is included in the price - each trolley is fitted with 8 swivel castors (2 with brakes).

Cooling Packs are not included in the price shown, they are available at an extra cost of £50.00.



